Legacy Mail & Shipping

Virtual Mailbox Rental

What is a Virtual Mailbox?

A Virtual Mailbox allows you to receive and manage your mail and packages digitally from anywhere. At Legacy Mail, we’ve partnered with iPostal1 to bring you a seamless and efficient Virtual Mailbox experience.

How It Works:

  1. Select Your Plan: Choose a plan that fits your needs, whether for personal or business use. Plans are flexible and designed to accommodate your needs.
  2. Real Street Address: Enjoy the benefits of a real street address in Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas. No more P.O. Boxes – your Virtual Mailbox comes with a genuine street address for a professional touch.
  3. Digital Mail Viewing: Receive digital notifications when new mail arrives. Log in to your secure iPostal1 account to request your mail items be scanned to images, held for pickup, discarded, or shredded.
  4. Package Handling: Receive packages from ANY CARRIER, and we’ll securely store them until you’re ready to pick them up or have them forwarded.
  5. Mail Forwarding: Need your mail physically? Choose to have it forwarded to your preferred address, whether it’s across town or across the globe.

Why Choose Our Virtual Mailbox Services:

  • Convenience: Access your mail anytime, anywhere, with a user-friendly interface.
  • Security: Our Virtual Mailbox services prioritize the security and confidentiality of your mail and packages.
  • Flexibility: Tailor your plan to your specific needs, whether you’re an individual, remote worker, or business owner.

Embrace the future of mail management with Legacy Mail and Shipping’s Virtual Mailbox services. Sign up today and experience a new level of convenience in handling your mail and packages. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us – we’re here to assist you!

Ready to sign up? Click here to sign up via iPostal1.